Monday, 13 July 2015

Live longer and healthier with Selenium

Selenium is an essential trace mineral i.e your body only needs a very small amount of it. It is  important for healthy immune system, cognitive function, fertility for both men and women, inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, cancer, heart diseases and thyroid activity.
Selenium is required for the proper activity of a group of enzymes called glutathione peroxides which play a key role in the body’s detoxification system (when glutathione production is low, the body is less able to eliminate all toxic materials), protect against oxidative stress and also protect the arteries and cholesterol carrying lipoproteins against the damage that leads to heart disease.
Topical solutions containing selenium sulfide are used are used to treat some disease conditions like tinea versicolor, scalp fungus malassezia which causes shedding of dry skin fragment and dandruff.
It is involved in the production of prostaglandins in the body which regulate inflammation and may regulate inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Selenium is required to produce thyroid hormone called tetraiodothyronine (T4) and also needed for the conversion of T4 to the more active form triiodothyronine (T3). If the body cannot convert T4 to T3 then thyroid hormone activity will diminish significantly even if enough T4 is being produced.
Selenium anticancer effect includes increased antioxidant protection, regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death), triggering DNA repair in damaged cells, suppression of growth of blood vessels supplying nutrients to cancer and inhibition of tumor cell invasion. It also works in conjunction with vitamin E as an antioxidant to prevent formation of free radicals and in return prevent sunburn.
Tuna, cod, sardines, beef, eggs, nuts,garlic, shrimps, chicken and turkey are food rich in selenium. Selenium supplements are also available but it is best to obtain any mineral through food. It is not the individual mineral alone that make certain food an important part of our diet but the synergy of that food nutrients working together. Most refined and processed foods are very low in selenium.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA):
55mcg/day for adults(14 and above)
60mcg/day for pregnant women
70mcg/day for lactating women
15mcg/day for 0-6months
20mcg/day for 7months-3years
30mcg/day for 4-8years
40mcg/day for 9-13years
Tolerable upper intake level is 400mcg per day.
The lower doses are recommended to prevent diseases while higher doses are used for treatment of diseases only after diagnosis.
Selenium is a wonderful aid for general health. Live longer and healthier with Selenium.

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