Saturday 16 May 2015

Truth about Milk

Certainly, milk is great for babies, ord would not have created women with the ability to breast-feed their children.
However, there is another side of the story. Most children with chronic sinus infections, ear infections and many other conditions have dairy sensitivities. Many times the problem clear up when the dairy products are substituted with soy or rice milk.
Do you realize that man is the only species in the animal kingdom to drink milk as an adult? Because many people have some degree of allergy or sensitivity to milk, problems often set in when one consume cheese and milk drink.
Many people believe they need milk to supply their calcium needs but then milk is pasteurized (through heating). When Milk is pasteurized, the calcium becomes an inorganic form, which is less easily assimilated by the body. That's why it is recommended that you get your calcium from other sources. Soy, seeds or nuts are high in calcium.
Dairy sensitivities and allergies have been linked to skin rashes, eczema, ear infections, nasal allergies, fatigue, increased risk of prostate and ovarian cancer, acne and spastic colon. If you have any of these, stop dairy products. Do it for 7 days and watch the improvement.
You can then decide to limit or avoid dairy products in order to relieve your medical condition.
Note that, most of the world's population cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance and is the most self-reported food allergen in the world.
Watch your milk intake!!!