Saturday 24 October 2015

Natural hair: Know your hair type

What is natural hair type? This question can determine a lot about your daily styling routine. Knowing your hair type is basically knowing your natural texture. Your head could have a mix of 2 or 3.
There are four types of hair with 3 sub types each. They are:
1. Type 1 hair which are generally greasy, lifeless, frizzy and oily could be 1A, 1B or 1C. Type 1 hair are straight hair and their texture differs with type. Type 1A hair are fine, very thin, soft with a noticeable shine. 1B has medium textured and more body than type 1A. 1C types are most resistant to curly styling and relatively coarse compared to other type 1 hair.
2. Type 2 hair- they are basically wavy hair. It could also be 2A, 2B or 2C. Type 2A is relatively easy to handle from a styling perspective because it can be straightened or curled. 2B has waves that tend to adhere to the shape of your head and 2C is fairly coarse and will frizz easily.
3. Type 3 hair - type 3 hair are curly hair. Type 3A hair is very shinny and loose. Type 3B has medium amount of curls, ranging from bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews. Type 3C has tight curls that looks like cockscrew.
4. Type 4 hair - this is the kinky type of hair. Most common hair type found in blacks (the African american hair). It is the coarsest and driest of all hair types. It is very hard to get moisture to the scalp and maintain shine because of the many twists and turns of the texture type. The hair also tends to shrink, making it very hard to determine the actual length of the hair. Type 4A is full of tight coils and follows s- pattern shape while type 4B has a less defined pattern of curls and looks more like a "Z". Type 4C is not a common hair type.
Finding your hair type is definitely not the 100% solution to understanding your hair but it does provide you with a good starting point. It will enable you choose more suitable products and will help provide you with guidance for how you should care for your hair.
How do i discover my hair type? To discover your hair type, wash your hair and examine your strands in the mirror without any styling products.
Knowing your hair type is essential and very useful.

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