Friday 9 October 2015

International World Egg Day 2015: Health benefits of health

International World Egg Day is celebrated every 2nd Friday in October of every year and Nigeria is one of the 7 countries in Africa that celebrate it. It was established at the International Egg Commission (IEC), Vienna 1996 conference. It is a unique opportunity to promote egg. The concept of World Egg Day is a unique opportunity to help raise awareness of the benefits of egg.
Eggs are the source of life and a symbol of fertility. They are produced by the female animals of many different species, but the most common choice for consumption is the egg of the chicken. They are very affordable and widely accessible.
Egg is an excellent source of high quality protein, rich in amino acids, Calcium, Selenium, Iron, Iodine, Sodium, Choline, Biotin, Folic acid, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin A, B, D and E.
Health benefits of egg includes:
1. It lowers the risk of heart diseases, breast cancer and age-related eye diseases such as cataract.
2. It promotes healthy baby development during pregnancy.
3. It aids thyroid gland function.
4. It is needed for healthy immune system.
5. It aids energy metabolism.
6. It keeps bones and teeth healthy.
7. It helps to maintain brain function.
8. It helps to improve healthy eyesight.
9. It keeps the reproductive system, nervous system and muscles healthy.
10. It protects cells from oxidative damage.
11. Its highly filling and tend to make you eat fewer calories, helping to lose weight.
Avoid eating raw or undercooked eggs because bacteria can enter the egg through pores in the shell. Eggs with cracked shells shouldn't be consumed, unless the cracking occurs during the process of cooking. A fresh egg will sink in water, a stale one will float.
Eggs are versatile food that can be prepared in many different ways such as poaching, scrambling, cooking, frying and baking. It goes with almost any food and, it taste awesome.
Eggs - simply delicious and nutritious!

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