Tuesday 18 August 2015

Know your skin type and take proper care of it

It is good to know your skin type before selecting the most appropriate products for your skin care regimen. Skin types vary depending upon a combination of factors. They includes:
Skin water content which affects your skin’s comfort and elasticity.
Skin oil content which affects your skin’s softness and nutrition.
Level of sensitivity which affects skin’s tolerance to certain substance.
Hormones, skin disorders, diet, stress, medication, genetic predisposition, climate, skin care routine and prolonged sun exposure influences your skin type.
Available skin types are normal, oily, dry, sensitive and combination.
For normal skin types, there is barely visible pores, no severe sensitivity, no or few imperfections and the right amount of water and oil. It is regarded as the best skin type. If truly you have normal skin, you don't need to do as much to maintain it as those who have other skin types. But then, skin type does not remain static, it will change based on several factors including age, hormonal shifts, stress and how much sun damage you accumulate over the years. The best way to care for normal skin is to make sure you are using gentle and effective products whose texture work with your skin type. Gentle water soluble cleanser, lotions loaded with antioxidants and skin repairing ingredients can help prevent normal skin from wrinkles.
For dry skin types, it can be uncomfortable and unattractive. The skin produce almost invisible pores, less elasticity, dull and rough complexion with red patches. When exposed to drying factors, skin can flake, crack, peel or become itchy, irritated or inflamed. To care for dry skin; take shorter bath with warm water, cleanse gently, drink plenty of water, eat omega-3 foods like fish, flax, walnuts and safflower oil, moisturize while skin is moist. Before you get a moisturizer, check out for ingredients that helps hold water and soothe dry skin e.g. ceramides and hyaluronic acids, also those that draw water to the skin and retain it there e.g. dimethicone and glycerine. Lanolin, mineral oil and petroleum jelly are also good for dry skin. For itchy inflamed skin, apply a cool compressed or hydrocortisone cream.
For combination skin types, the skin is dry or normal in some areas and oily in other areas. For example t-zone. T-zone is the nose, forehead and chin area. It can produce overly dilated pores, blackheads and shiny skin. Sensitive skin results from genetic or hormonal factors that can cause an imbalance in how much and where oils are produced.
For sensitive skin types, the skin possesses almost the same characteristics with dry skin. To take care of sensitive skin, avoid products that contain sodium lauryl sulphate and ammonium lauyl sulphate, don’t use too much anti-aging ingredients like retinoids and alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), look for product that are labelled hypoallergenic, don’t scrub your skin harshly while showering, skip perfumed products if you suspect your skin react to them, keep a food log because sometimes a certain food ingredient can cause a sensitive skin to flare up, limit your alcohol intake if you do take alcohol, you can get soaps made especially for sensitive and if all else fails, try using baby products.
Lastly, oily skin which is more common in youths is the most common skin type for acne. This occur when the glands in the skin secrete too much oil. Oil on our skin helps protect it and fight signs of aging. Many people suffer from an excess of oil which produced enlarged pores, shiny and thick complexion, blackheads, spots and other blemishes. It can be caused and worsened by stress, puberty and exposure to heat..
To fight excess oil on your face; wash your skin no more than twice a day with warm water. Use a gentle facial cleanser that contain either benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or beta hydroxyl acid twice a day because they are often considered the best as they are slightly acidic, hence, prevent the skin from being vulnerable to bacteria. Don’t pick, pop or squeeze spots, they prolong healing time. Use product labelled as “non comedogenic” as they tend not to clog pores. Moisturize your skin because oily skin can be dehydrated and oil-free moisturizer can keep healthy. Use blotting papers to soak up excess oil. Apply an oil-free, mineral powder make up base for the daytime. Use prescription strength topical treatment if over the counter tropicals are not helping your oily skin e.g. tretinoin and use according to prescription. For serious acne, take accutane, a prescription oral medication. Do not try to remove all the oil from your face as the oil is there to protect the skin from premature aging.
Make sure you investigate any products or treatments before putting them on your face because everyone’s skin is different. Carefully follow instructions for tropical treatments. Many products are effective in the right dosages but harmful if applied too much.
Be very consistent with your skin regimen. Do not retire for the night without doing your procedure. Your skin is very active during sleep. It repairs itself and produces new cells at a faster rate than when we are awake.
Learn to love your complexion, select the best skin care products and avoid worst ingredients to control and treat your skin type.

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