Tuesday 7 March 2017


Lavender oil is an essential oil and one of the top aromatherapy oils gotten from the flower of lavender. It’s known to help with wound healing, anxiety and stress, acne, respiratory problems and of great benefits for your hair.
Lavender oil has been shown to be very effective on lice and nits, and also very helpful in the treatment of hair loss, particularly for patients who suffer from alopecia (an autoimmune disease where the body rejects its own hair follicles as foreign objects).
Lavender oil is therapeutic for hair- it has therapeutic properties which is essential for hair growth. When we are, anxious or stressed out we automatically have a higher chance of experiencing hair loss or hair loss related conditions as our body doesn’t function the way it should be. The therapeutics properties of lavender oil help to relieve some of the psychological stress and also helps to prevent hair loss. It helps promote blood circulation throughout the body (including the scalp), which promotes strong and healthy hair growth. Lavender also add a relaxing, calming and soothing effect to your scalp.
It promotes hair growth for conditions such as alopecia, nourishes the hair, helps prevent shedding hair.
Lavender oil is not great for moisturizing or hydrating our hair because it is an essential oil, but it is an excellent source of nutrient for your hair and scalp. Its healing properties are great for keeping our scalp clean and free from irritating scalp conditions, such as dandruff and itchiness. It is also great at keeping lice away because they do not like the smell of lavender oil.
Since lavender oil is an essential oil, it can cause irritation if applied directly to your scalp. It is best used when mixed with a carrier oil or butter. Lavender oil is very versatile and it can be mixed with varieties of bases such as shampoos, conditioners, lotions, creams etc. It is ideal for promoting thick, strong and healthy hair growth when mixed with other scalp and hair healthy products. Lavender oil is regenerative and found in hair formulas like TEE NATUREL ORGANIC HAIR CARE PRODUCTS.

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