Sunday 10 April 2016

All flesh is as grass...

Beauty can be said to be combination of qualities that give pleasure to the mind or senses. It is a pleasing or attractive feature about somebody or something that can either be external or internal.
The desire for beauty is the secret push behind the rush for new clothes, shoes, cars and architectural which many men and women pursue. Beauty is what pushes many to look for money at all cost. The desire to appear beautiful has become such a great matter that both the young and old press for it. Though the desire for beauty appears much more intense among women, the men are not left out of this mad rush. Most times it is the desire for beauty that makes most men go for most recent electronic gadgets, flashy cars and new architectural designs. The same beauty makes them rush for girls that look beautiful. Such girls often receive more proposals for marriage than the so called less beautiful girls, not necessarily because God is leading them but because the beautiful appearance of the girls attract them.
It is natural for people to go for things which appear beautiful, but unfortunately, such beauty is temporal. No matter how beautiful or attractive a house might be, it will fade away; collapse or little carelessness with fire may raze it down to ashes. So it is with beautiful clothes or cars. Even the beauty of human appearance is not everlasting. A girl who appears beautiful today may become ugly tomorrow by reasons of growth, sickness, childbearing or accident, and so with handsome men. Beauty can turn to ashes as life goes on. This is called the fading beauty (temporary beauty).
Physical beauty is pleasant to the eye but it does not last. No matter how much spent to bring forth a beautiful edifice, body or clothes, it is still temporary. The whole world is subject to the force of decay. What to concentrate our attention and lives upon is that beauty that is eternal (unfading beauty). It is the inner beauty, and when this is omitted in any life, every other thing around that life no matter how beautiful it is will be affected.
Physical beauty has a way of introducing idolatry and spiritual barrenness into the lives of those who go for it. Fashion, clothes and jewels could become your idol. It is alright if God made you beautiful but do not service it.
Our body (physical flesh) and this life are best described as ordinary grass. What exactly is grass? Grass withers, no matter how long it appears on the field. That is the end result. It is a temporal thing. Same as the flower, as beautiful as it appears, fade away. That is how God made it and that is how God made all flesh. It appears today only to disappear tomorrow. The physical life and our bodies are not meant to last, have this understanding so as to know where to apply your time, strength and resources. If you concentrate on beautifying the life that fade away, you will wither and soon fade away with it eternally.
Life is worth more than food and the body is worth more than clothing. It is helpful to focus and apply our lives to nurse and beautify our inner life and make it conducive for God to dwell in.

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