Friday 11 March 2016

Remedy for a broken heart

People get together for so many reasons confusing nurturing with intimacy. Having unrealistic expectations can doom a relationship. Being heartbroken is a pain that no one can understand until they have experienced it for themselves. It is perfectly normal to feel sad and cry after a breakup you have invested most of your time and interest into.
To heal a broken heart, always focus on yourself first. Know that, the most important relationship we have in this life is with ourselves, with or without someone. Don’t forget yourself in the process of your heartache. Whether you made a big mistake or not, ensure your well-being is priority.
There is no set way to heal a broken heart but there are actions you can take to come out on top.
1. Create no room for guilt in your life in order to move forward. Feel the guilt for the moment and let it go.
2. Don’t be hard on yourself in the process of healing. Don’t be embarrassed the way you feel. Feel your emotions and acknowledge them.
3. Make a choice either to run from it or deal with it. But it is better you rise to the challenge and deal with it to free the pain in time.
4. Take each day as it comes and choose the attitude that will uplift you. Work on your mindset, it can either help you go forward or keep you in a state of fear, regret and sadness.
5. Change how you see yourself and your ex-partner. Learn how to control your visualization.
To feel better afterwards:
1. Decrease stress and order your thoughts.
2. Forgive yourself and the person in your own time.
3. Get happy with yourself again and focus on your ambitions and goals. Imagine a bright future.
4. Surround yourself with people who will allow you to be you.
5. Avoid negative thoughts towards the entire gender.
6. Learn from your mistakes.
7. Don’t neglect the spiritual side, get in touch with the inner self and listen to the word that comes to you. Seek peace, joy and strength through this time and you will receive it.
Healing a broken heart will take time but it is possible. There is a whole lot of empty space to fill after a breakup space that used to be filled with possibilities, excitement and expectations. It is never an easy process to go through but with the right remedy, you will be on your way to recovery and happiness again.
It is never too late to start over. If you were not happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don’t stay stuck. Do better!


  1. Dem don break ur heart b4?

  2. A heart is broken probably to give one or a part to someone who needs a heart. one thing am sure of is that a lady with a white set of teeth do not get a heart break check out why?
