Wednesday 2 September 2015

Know your body type to burn your belly fat

Body fat is a tissue our body need. We need essential fat to keep our Central Nervous System and organs (including our brains) functioning properly, but having too much of it is associated with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even more. It is called essential fat because it is absolutely necessary for our health. Ideal body fat range for women is 25-28% and men 12-15% which ranges from person to person.
The fat around your abdomen called the visceral fat is really what you need to minimize because it can invade your organs and hinder the ability to function properly putting you at greater risk for diabetes and heart diseases among others.
It is a good idea to figure out your body type before you start your training and nutrition regimen because not everybody has the same body type. Your body type is either apple-shaped or pear shaped. Apple-shaped types tend to have a large waist, generally slimmer legs and arms and hold a large amount of fat in the abdomen while pear-shaped types have a smaller waist with longer hips and legs.
Knowing your body type will help you tailor your diet and exercise plan better. It will also help you set realistic goals that will pave way to your success.
To reduce your body fat;
1. Eat breakfast around the same time each day. Oats are especially good for breakfast. Consider adding proteins and high fiber foods like egg, peanuts, fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast. You’ll feel full throughout the morning because they take longer time to process than refined sugars.
2. Give up sugary drinks, carbonated beverages and alcohol. Sugary drinks are later converted into fat.
3. Reduce your calorie intake by skipping junk foods and avoid trans fat like margarine and cookies or anything made partially with hydrogenated oils. Avocados, nuts and soybeans can help prevent the accumulation of belly fat.
4. Read labels of ready-made foods you are buying. Pay attention to the ingredients on the label and what they mean for your overall goals.
5. Eat smaller dinner- don’t eat heavy and big meals before sleep, eat fruits or vegetables instead.
6. Make sure you are drinking enough water- it helps flush out wastes and toxin and also helps to improves our overall health.
7. Get enough sleep and make sure it’s good quality- getting adequate and good sleep keeps the body’s hormones in the balance. Not getting enough sleep disturbs the hormone that can enable you lose fat. You need at least 7hours sleep every night to function properly.
8. Set aside time to relax and forget about your worries. Avoid stress in the bedroom, it should be reserved for rest and relaxation.
9. Do some high-intensity cardio exercise- it is an effective way to burn fat.
10. Increase the number of  daily steps you take- Aim to take stairs instead of elevator, walk instead of driving if you are going a short distance.
11. Calculate your waist-to-hip ratio. Continue taking your measurement as you progress and weigh yourself at the same time each day. Women should aim less than 35inches and men less than 40inches for waist measurement.
Remember to check yourself to make sure your goals for physical fitness match up with your goals for your mental health and lifestyle.

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